Colorado Springs Gas Line Break
Camino Drive Gas Line Break
At approximately 13:10 on May 14th, 2021, the Colorado Springs Fire Department was dispatched to the 100 block of Camino Dr. for a HazMat Incident. Once en route, dispatch advised a 6-inch gas line was struck and that Colorado Springs Utilities was en route. HazMat 14 advised they only had the equipment to clamp a 4-inch line and requested utilities bring a larger clamp. Engine 3 arrived and located the location of the broken line and pulled a precautionary 1 3/4 hose line. Crews discovered a 4-inch line that was ripped by a backhoe and advised they were going to determine the best course of action. Company officers and Battalion 2 determined the best course of action was to have Colorado Springs Utilities bring their excavator to expand the trench the construction company was digging. Once the excavator arrived the gas line was clamped at 14:50. Crews soon cleared scene after packing up equipment.
Units on Scene: Battalion 2, Engine 3 & HazMat 14
Colorado Springs Utilities