Wet Mountain Fire Protection District
Wet Mountain Fire Protection District, all-volunteer department covering 650 square miles in Custer & Fremont Counties (Colorado) including the areas of Aldrich Gulch, Antelope Creek, Bald Mountain, Beddows Mountain, Blizzardine, Brush Creek, Buck Mountain, Bull Domingo Hills, Chloride Gulch, Eastcliff, Froze Creek, Goodhope Gulch, Grape Creek, Hermit Basin, Hillside, Koch Springs, Lapin Creek, Lake DeWeese, Mackenzie Junction, O’Leary Creek, Pike National Forest, Pringle Hill, Pocahontas Hill, Poverty Gulch, Reed Ditch, San Isabel National Forest, Silver Cliff, Silver Cliff Plateau, Silver West Airport, Spring Creek, Spring Run, Spruce Creek, Stanton Creek, Texas Creek, Querida, Rosita, Victoria Heights, Wakefield Hill, Westcliffe & Wet Mountain Valley. (FDID #02725)