Westminster Sheridan Blvd Deck Fire
Westminster Deck Fire
At 12:24 on December 1st, 2013 Westminster Fire Department was called to a confirmed structure fire at 8200 Sheridan Blvd. with multiple 911 calls. Westminster Police Department was first to arrived and reported smoke showing with evacuations, and dispatch advising that over 20 911 calls coming in, prompting Battalion 2 to request an additional Engine & Medic. Engine 1 arrived to a apartment building with smoke showing from a patio deck and began fast attack, and Medic 1 assisted with the water supply and pulled a line in. Battalion 2 assumed command with a size-up of a 3-story apartment building with visible fire and smoke showing from the 3rd floor. Engine 2 arrived and advanced a 2 1/2 line to the exterior, and Medic 2 as medical. Truck 3 as RIC and Engine 4 with utilities and then assigned to ground ladder for roof access. Truck 2 assigned as search & rescue with a primary search, which was all clear and no extension in the other units. The fire was under control at 12:42.
Units on Scene: Battalion 2, Engine 1, Medic 1, Engine 2, Truck 2 & Truck 3
Special Call: Engine 4 & Medic 2