Poudre Strip Mall Restaurant Fire
Poudre Restaurant Fire
At 03:17 on May 31st, 2015 Poudre Fire Authority responded to a reported fire at 1729 S. College Ave. at the Totally 80’s Pizza. Engine 3 arrived and found the restaurant fully charged with smoke. Taking immediate action, they entered the business and made their way through zero visibility to the rear of the building. In a storage area they found a small fire that was being held in-check by what appeared to be a fire sprinkler. After extinguishing the remaining fire and further investigation they found the water was actually coming from a domestic water line the fire had burned through. The water line had a significant effect on the outcome of this incident as the fire was breaching the ceiling into the attic space. Fire and heat damage was mostly contained to the storage room however there was severe smoke damage to the remaining restaurant area. Smoke damage also occurred throughout the entire eight units of the strip mall. Firefighters worked through the early morning in an effort to remove the smoke. Additional information provided by Poudre Fire Authority