Lakewood Ingalls Street Apartment Fire
Working Apartment Fire
On March 7th, 2016 at 11:04 West Metro Fire Rescue responded to a possible structure fire at 186 Ingalls St. in Lakewood. Engine 7 arrived to a medium size two-story multi-family structure with a working fire on Bravo side of the building, and started fire attack with Medic 7 in the offensive strategy. Engine 1 arrived and established the water supply from W. 1st Ave. & Jay St. District 2 arrived and assumed the command on the Alpha side, and assigned Engine 4 for primary search on the Delta side in both units. Engine 8 assigned to utilities, Tower 10 as roof ops and Chief 2 as the Charlie division. Crews found fire in the first floor apartment and the second floor unit, Crews got the fire under control at 11:22, and the cause of the fire is not known and under investigation.
Units on Scene: District 1, District 2, Chief 2, Engine 7, Medic 7, Engine 1, Engine 4, Engine 8, Tower 10, Medic 7, Tower 14 (Cancelled) & Bureau 8