Air Medical Memorial 2018
Air Medical Memorial 2018
The Annual Air Medical Memorial was held on July 28th, 2018. The ceremony this year was held at a alternate location due to construction near the memorial site, which was at the Heritage United Methodist Church, 7077 S. Simms St. in Littleton. The ceremony honored the lives of sixteen air medical crew members lost in the line of duty in 2017. The ceremony started with the Remembrance Ceremony opening by Steven Sweeney (Air Medical Memorial Co-founder), Invocation by Betsy Phelan (Chaplain, Flight for Life Colorado), presentation of Colors by the PHI Air Medical Honor Guard, keynote address by Christina Gasparich (Director, Behind the Wings Family Support Network), “Never Forget” by Greg Hildenbrand, Reading of the Honoree names by Christina Gasparich, Mike West of the Emerald Society Pipes and Drums with “Hector the Hero”, and moment of silence followed by the ending prayer by Betsy Phelan. Due to the weather, there was no helicopter fly-in this year.
John “Trey” Auld III, Flight Paramedic, Pafford Air One
Michael “Mike” Bollen, Pilot, Pafford Air One
Walter Bucci, Doctor, Soccorso Alpino Italia
Jeffrey Burke, Pilot, Duke Life Flight
Davide De Carolis, Alpine Rescuer, Soccorso Alpino Italia
Kris Harrison, Flight Nurse, Duke Life Flight
Mario Matrella, Flight Engineer, Soccorso Alpino Italia
Michael R. Murphy, Pilot, PennSTAR
Arunaksha Nandy, Pilot, Medanta Air Ambulance
Misty Dawn Nicholson, Flight Nurse, Rico Aviation
Scott Alan Riola, Flight Nurse, Rico Aviation
Giuseppe “Peppe” Serpetti, Nurse, Soccorso Alpino Italia
Robin Shaw, Pilot, Rico Aviation
Crystal Faith Harris Sollinger, Flight Nurse, Duke Life Flight
James “Jim” Lawson Spruiell, Flight Nurse, Pafford Air One
Giammarco Zavoli, Pilot, Soccorso Alpino Italia