Colorado Springs High Angle Animal Rescue
High Angle Animal Rescue
At approximately 16:20 on December 17th, 2021 the Colorado Springs Fire Department responded to the 200 block of Sawatch Ave. for a high angle rescue. Once en route dispatch advised a dog had jumped from the 4th floor of one building and landed on the roof of another. While still en route, the Colorado Springs Communications Center received another call from a passerby and stated the owner was now on the roof with the dog and confirmed the owner was not injured, only the dog. Truck 1 arrived on scene to find a Great Dane on top of the roof and requested humane society to respond out for the animal. Truck 1 was able to extricate the animal and it’s owner from the roof and handed the animal over to El Paso County Animal Law Enforcement. Truck 1 and 73 then returned to service.
Units on Scene: Truck 1 & 73 (EMS Liaison/PIO)
El Paso County Animal Law Enforcement