Denver South Oneida Street Apartment Fire
Denver Apartment Fire
Just after 13:00 on December 8th, 2021 Denver Fire Department responded to a reported multi-family structure fire in the 1200 block of S. Oneida St. Engine 19 arrived to a fire and smoke showing from a large two-story apartment structure and dropped two lines for fire attack and Truck 19 started the primary search. Engine 22 pulled a line in with Engine 5 for fire attack and checked for extension. Tower 22 and Tower 15 went to the roof, and command requested additional chief, engine and truck to the scene. 4 civilians were evaluated for minor injuries with no transport. Three apartments were affected and the fire is under investigation. Additional information provided by Denver Fire Department
Units on Scene: Chief 4, Chief 3, Ops 2, Engine 5, Engine 18, Engine 19, Truck 19, Engine 22, Tower 22, Tower 15 (RIT) & Rescue 1
Added: Chief 6, Engine 24 & Truck 8
Special Call: Chief 2, Arson & PIO