Idaho Springs Fire Department
Idaho Springs Fire Department was organized in January of 1878 by the Idaho Springs City Council to “suppress conflagrations within the Fire Limits of the Town.” The original equipment included a hand pulled hose cart equipped with 350 feet of hose and nozzles, housed in a special building.
In December 1885 a special city council meeting was called by the Chief of the Fire Department to authorize purchase of additional hose and couplings. The following January the Council authorized the hiring of a night watchman to patrol the city on windy nights when the Chief felt it was necessary to look for fires and keep the city safe.
In the same month the following note appears in the city Council minutes: “Gentlemen, your committee to whom was referred the matter of the efficiency of the apparatus of the Fire Department by leave to report as follows: To place the department on a footing to enable it to successfully combat a conflagration of any magnitude there should be purchased immediately the following supplies: 400 feet of hose, 2 nozzles, 12 couplings, and 6 spanners. Also, the purchase of another light hose cart capable of carrying 350 feet of hose to be kept in the present hose room with the other heavier cart to be removed to the immediate business center of town, say to the rear of the bank.”
In February 1886 the equipment was ordered and in March everything was delivered with the exception of the hose cart. The Council authorized the construction of a hose house at the rear of the bank, which was completed in May of that year. The new hose cart arrived in June.
In April 1887 a hose cart was located by the old cemetery and sampling works at the west end of town and a petition to form a new hose company was sent to committee. The new company was formed and became the Idaho Springs Hose Company No. 2. After a list of the officers and men was submitted to Council they became a part of the Idaho Springs Fire Department.
In 1989, the Idaho Springs Volunteer Fire Department signed an intergovernmental agreement with the Clear Creek Emergency Services General Improvement District (ESD), which was formed in 1988 by the voters in the unincorporated areas of Clear Creek County. As a participant with the ESD, Idaho Springs contributed to the consolidated fire protection effort in Clear Creek County through intergovernmental agreements with Georgetown, Silver Plume, and Empire.
In 1998 Idaho Springs became part of the Clear Creek Fire Authority, which is presently the governmental entity responsible for providing fire protection in Clear Creek County. (Info provided by Clear Creek Fire Authority)