Westminster Lowell Blvd Apartment Fire
Westminster Apartment Fire
At 12:20 on April 9th, 2016 Westminster Fire Department responded to a report of bushes on fire and extending to the outside of a building at the Mountain Terrace Apartments in the area of Lowell Blvd. & Bradburn Dr. Engine 2 arrived to a 2-story apartment complex with bushes on fire extending to the side of the structure, and updated the address to 3650 W. 84th Ave. Battalion Chief 2 arrived and assumed command, and request an additional Engine & Medic. Crews were able to get a quick knock on the fire, with no extension in the attic space.
Units on Scene:
Westminster: Battalion 2, Engine 2, Truck 2, Medic 2, Engine 1, Engine 3, Medic 3, Engine 5 & Truck 5
Adams County Fire Rescue: Battalion 11, Truck 12 & Medic 12