Loveland School Bus MVA
School Bus MVA
At 07:51 on December 18th, 2018 the Loveland Emergency Communications Center (LECC) dispatched Loveland Fire Rescue Authority Engine 6 and Thompson Valley EMS 352 to an unknown if injury motor vehicle accident involving a school bus to in the 5700 block of E. Eisenhower Blvd. in Loveland. Moments later the ticket was upgraded to an MVA with extrication and Tower 6, TVEMS 329, and mutual aid from Front Range Fire Rescue were added to the call. Engine 6 arrived on scene, established command, and stated there were 2 cars and a school bus involved and that extrication was not needed. Command advised Engine 6 and Tower 6 could handle the call and the balance was cancelled. All involved were evaluated by EMS and only minor injuries reported. The children from the school bus were transferred to another bus for transport from the scene. Additional information was provided by Ian Zahn / Loveland Fire Rescue Authority
Units on Scene: Battalion 1, Engine 6 & Tower 6
Thompson Valley EMS: Paramedic 329 & Paramedic 352