Loveland Apartment Fire
Loveland Apartment Fire
At approximately 14:24 on September 24th, 2019 Loveland Fire Rescue Authority was dispatched to the 1400 block of E. 8th St. on the report of a fire in a multi-family structure. Engine 1 arrived to a 2-story multi-family structure with smoke showing from the roof and pulled a green line in for fire attack, Engine 5 arrived and established the water supply and was assigned to fire attack with Engine 1. Engine 1 reported fire in the wall between two of the units in the lower level bathrooms. Battalion 1 arrived and assumed command in offensive strategy, life risk. Rescue 2 and Ladder 6 arrived and were assigned to the support group. A primary search was completed on all units in the building. Interior and exterior walls as well as ceilings were opened up for fire attack and inspection. Once the fire was reported out the involved units were ventilated. No injuries were reported and the fire is under investigation. American Red Cross was requested for the occupants of the involved units. Additional information was provided by Loveland Fire Rescue Authority
Units on Scene: Chief 1, Chief 2, Chief 3, Chief 5, Chief 7, Battalion Chief 1, Battalion Chief 2, Engine 1, Engine 2, Engine 5, Ladder 6 & Rescue 2
Thompson Valley EMS: Paramedic 311
Loveland Police Department & Loveland Water and Power