West Metro Arbutus Street House Fire
West Metro House Fire
At 19:24 on October 19th at West Metro Fire Rescue was alerted to a confirmed structure fire in the 4900 block of S. Arbutus St. in Friendly Hills. Medic 12 arrived to a two-story single-family residential structure with fire showing on the Delta side, and Engine 11 arrived and assumed command, pulled a 1 3/4 line in for fire attack on tank water. Engine 12 arrived and established a water supply to Engine 11, and Medic 13 set-up as rehab. Rescue 10 started primary search, Engine 9 as RIT and Truck 14 checked for extension on the Alpha side. District 3 arrived and assumed command with fire control established and primary search on the 1st & 2nd floors complete. Crews got control and fire out at 20:08 and started overhaul. The fire was started by embers from a fireplace, that landed on leaves and firewood in the backyard, igniting the house on the outside. There was no wire screen on the chimney cap. One bedroom was damaged, and the fire got up into the attic. There were no injuries. Additional information provided by West Metro Fire Rescue
Units on Scene: District 3, District 2, SAM 2, Medic 12, Engine 11, Engine 12, Medic 13, Rescue 10, Engine 9, Truck 14 & Bureau 7