Broomfield 9/11 Memorial Ceremony 2021
Annual 9/11 Memorial Ceremony
North Metro Fire Rescue District, Broomfield Police Department, and the City and County of Broomfield hosted their annual 9/11 Memorial Ceremony on September 11, 2021, commemorating the 20th anniversary of the attacks. The ceremony began at the Broomfield Amphitheater and closed at the 9/11 Memorial, 3 Community Park Rd. Close to 500 people attended the ceremony and heard remarks from local leaders as well as Tom Faughnan, who lost his brother, Chris Faughnan, when the Twin Towers collapsed. Additionally, retired New York Fire Department (NYFD) Captain John Fatta shared his experience volunteering at Ground Zero in the aftermath of the attacks, and retired North Metro Fire Chief John O’Hayre shared how the 9/11 Memorial became a reality in the community of Broomfield. The ceremony also included an honor guard procession to the 9/11 Memorial, a flag presentation to Chris Faughnan’s daughter, Juliet, and a ceremonial bell ringing in remembrance of each site attacked on 9/11. Special music was provided by bagpiper Michael Lancaster and bugler Mike Gill. Following the ceremony, community members had the opportunity to leave a note or memento on a 9/11 tribute wall created by North Metro Fire Engineer Jeff Tipton. The notes, photos and other stories related to 9/11 will be added to a newly created living memorial, which will be an online gallery hosted on the fire district’s website. Additional information was provided by Sara Farris / North Metro Fire Rescue