Castle Rock Ice Rescue Training 2021
Ice Rescue Training
Castle Rock Fire Rescue held their annual ice rescue training at the Plum Creek Golf Course on January 29th, 2021. The refresher gave crews the chance to hone their skills while learning new techniques in case of the need to conduct an ice rescue for people or animals. Remember, don’t judge the thickness of the ice by its appearance. With Colorado’s fluctuating temperatures, ice thickness can vary and quickly become very dangerous. Hypothermia and even death can result in as little as 10-15 minutes in cold water. If you see someone fall in, immediately call 9-1-1 and don’t attempt to go out onto the ice. Grab a branch, rope, or other long object and attempt to give them something to grasp onto. If there is a buoyant object nearby such as a life vest, throw it to them until help arrives.