West Metro South Braun Street Fire
West Metro Structure Fire
At 11:30 on September 8th, 2021 West Metro Fire Rescue responded to a reported structure fire in the 4800 block of S. Braun St. in Friendly Hills. Engine 9 arrived to a small single-story single-family residential with smoke showing from the attic space, pulled a 1 3/4 to the Alpha side for fire attack and search in the offensive strategy. Engine 11 secured the water supply to Engine 9, and Medic 12 assisted Engine 9 with fire attack. District 3 arrived and assumed Braun command, and assigned Rescue 10 as RIT and Medic 10 as medical group. Crews found fire in the attic and Truck 14 started ventilation. Crews got the fire under control and started overhaul. Investigators found that sparks from a welding torch caused this fire during remodeling work, and the fire started in the wall of a second floor bathroom and spread into the floor joists. No injuries were reported, but the home has smoke damage throughout and four rooms and an outside wall was damaged. Additional information provided by West Metro Fire Rescue
Units on Scene: District 3, District 1, SAM 2, Engine 9, Engine 11, Medic 12, Engine 13, Truck 14, Rescue 10, Medic 10, Engine 12 & Bureau 7
Special Call: Engine 8, AMR 1 & Bureau 8