Centennial South Alton Way Commercial Fire
South Metro Commercial Fire
On December 23rd, 2023 at 03:11 South Metro Fire Rescue was dispatched to a reported commercial structure fire at 7332 S. Alton Way in Centennial. Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office Deputies were first to arrive, and they observed a large volume of fire consuming a corner office. Engine 33 and Medic 33 advanced a hose line for fire control and primary search, Tower 34 evaluated conditions on the roof and several crews checked inside adjacent businesses for extension. The fire was quickly controlled, and firefighters prevented flames from spreading into other occupancies, several of which were filled with smoke. All searches of the building were clear, one person was evaluated by fire medics for smoke inhalation but did not want to be transported to the hospital. Personnel from the SMFR Fire Marshal’s Office are investigating what caused the fire. Additional information provided by South Metro Fire Rescue
Units on Scene: Battalion Chief 3, District Chief 1, Safety 18, Safety 35, Med 1, Engine 33, Medic 33, Tower 34, Medic 34, Engine 31, Tower 32, Medic 32, Tower 35, Engine 44, PIO 10, Bureau 21 & Bureau 24
South Metro Fire Dispatch: IDT 2