Jeffco Airtanker Base

Jeffco Airtanker Base

Rick Luebke Photo ©

USDA Forest Service Jefferson County Air Tanker Base is located at 10900 W. 120th Ave in Broomfield inside the Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport; the base was established in 1983. The base is managed by the Arapaho National Forest, Roosevelt National Forests and Pawnee National Grassland (ARP). The base includes retardant storage tanks, filling facilities, pilot’s quarters and offices. The sight has the capacity to mix 190,000 gallons of slurry at a time, which is enough for seventy-four and a half 2,555 gallon drops.

Rick Luebke Photo ©

Rick Luebke Photo ©

Rick Luebke Photo ©

Rick Luebke Photo ©

Rick Luebke Photo ©

Rick Luebke Photo ©

Rick Luebke Photo ©

Rick Luebke Photo ©

Rick Luebke Photo ©

Steve Nelson Photo ©

John Baker Photo ©

Steve Nelson Photo ©

Steve Nelson Photo ©

Steve Nelson Photo ©

Steve Nelson Photo ©

Steve Nelson Photo ©

Steve Nelson Photo ©

John Baker Photo ©

John Baker Photo ©

John Baker Photo ©

John Baker Photo ©

John Baker Photo ©

John Baker Photo ©

Steve Nelson Photo ©