Grand Junction Boat Fire
Grand Junction Boat Fire
At approximately 23:34 on June 30th, 2022 Grand Junction Fire Department was dispatched to a reported residential structure fire in the 1900 block of Hawthorne Ave. Multiple callers reported something on fire in the backyard with a 20-foot boat and 5 feet from the house on fire with a gas tank in the boat. Engine 2 arrived on scene of a small 2-story residence, working boat fire on the Bravo side with extension into the garage, pulling a line for fire attack and primary search in the offensive strategy, establishing Hawthorne Command. Truck 6 established a water supply from 27 1/2 Road and Hawthorne Avenue to Engine 2. Truck 6 arrived and performed a primary search, pulling a second line. Engine 3 arrived, handling utilities. Engine 2 isolated the fire to Side Bravo of the structure and the boat. The fire is under investigation by the Grand Junction Fire Department to determine the cause.
Companies on Scene: Battalion 1, Engine 2, Ambulance 12, Truck 6, Engine 3 & Truck 1 (Cancelled in Level 1 Staging)
Special Call: Command Staff Notification, PIO 1 & Fire Investigator