Poudre Mountain Range Shadows Structure Fire
Mummy Range Structure Fire
At 08:28 on October 8th, 2012 Poudre Fire Authority was alerted to a structure fire at 8217 Mummy Range Dr. in the Mountain Range Shadows with auto-aid from Loveland Fire Rescue Authority & Windsor Severance Fire Rescue after a 911 caller indicated flames coming from the eve of the house. Windsor Engine 4303 arrived and reported active fire on the stove pipe and eve, bravo side, with the homeowner attempting to extinguish with a garden hose, and pulled a 1 3/4 line and quickly knocked the active fire. Upon Poudre Engine 6 arrival, and conducted the initial search of the residence and indicated no parties inside and the fire was confined to the eve, with minor extension inside the attic. Loveland Rescue 6 worked the outside of the structure, removing siding and overhauling the burned portion of the eve which was cut away from the house due to the stove pipe’s penetration through the eve and being the point of origin on the fire. The fire was quickly knock and overhaul the fire at the residence. Additional information was provided by Loveland Fire Rescue Authority
Units on Scene:
Poudre: Battalion 2, Squad 1, Engine 6, Ladder 5, Truck 1 & Engine 14
Loveland: Chief 6, Rescue 6 & Engine 6
Windsor Severance: Engine 4303
Thompson Valley EMS: Paramedic 341