Lakewood West Atlantic Place Apartment Fire
Lakewood Apartment Fire
At 20:01 on August 16th, 2013 West Metro Fire Rescue responded to a confirmed structure fire at 5745 W. Atlantic Pl. in Lakewood with multiple 911 callers reporting a large fire. At the same time Denver Fire Department was also getting calls of a fire in the area of W. Jewell Ave. & S. Depew St. and while en-route both departments reported smoke in the air. West Metro Engine 8 arrived on scene to a 4-plex apartment complex with the 3rd floor fully involved, and began the blitz attack. Engine 2 arrived and established the water supply to Engine 8. Medic 6 started patient care, and Engine 8 declared a defensive attack with heavy fire conditions. Engine 3 arrived and assigned to set-up deck gun operations on the Bravo side, Rescue 4 to primary search and command transmitted a 2nd alarm. Tower 10 set-up on W. Jewell Ave. for aerial operations and Denver Engine 25 laid in from W. Jewell Ave. & S. Depew St. Denver Chief 7 arrived and took over command, and sized up a 3-story building with heavy fire and District 1 arrived and assigned Rescue 4 as Division 3 with Engine 7 & Tower 10. Engine 23 laid in from the north side and supplied Tower 23 with a 5 inch, and Tower 23 laddered the roof. Division 3 quickly knocked the main body of fire and completed primary searches on the 3rd floor. Chief 7, Chief 6 and District 1 established a unified command and used RED SW for radio communications as needed. Denver firefighters conducted vertical ventilation while West Metro firefighters worked the interior of the 3rd floor. Command observed flames from the roof and interior crews reported no access prompting a withdraw order and aerial master stream operations. The fire was brought under control within an hour and crews were held for an extended time for overhaul. 2 patients were transported to a local hospital and two were treated on scene and released. American Red Cross was requested to the scene to assist with displaced occupants. One teenager was arrested for deliberately starting the fire after a fight with his father as revenge. Additional information was provided by West Metro Fire Rescue
West Metro:
1st Alarm: District 1, District 3, SAM 1, Engine 8, Medic 8, Engine 2, Medic 6, Engine 3, Tower 3, Rescue 4 & Bureau 8
2nd Alarm: Chief 1, Engine 7, Medic 7, Engine 1, Engine 4, Tower 14 & Medic 1
Special Call: Air 3 & PIO
Denver: Chief 7, Chief 6, Engine 23, Tower 23, Engine 25, Engine 28, Engine 20, Truck 16 , Hamer 1 & Rescue 1
Special Call: Air/Light & Arson