Denver Eudora Street House Fire
Denver House Fire
At 21:49 on January 5th, 2015 Denver Fire Department was dispatched out to a reported structure fire in the E. 3600 block of Eudora St. in Park Hill. Engine 10 arrived to heavy fire showing and laid in, stretched an attack line and began an aggressive interior attack. The occupant had evacuated prior to the arrival of fire crews and confirmed that everyone was out of the house. Chief 4 arrived and took command on the Alpha side, and assigned Chief 2 to the Charlie side. Engine 15 advanced a back-up line through the Alpha side and Engine 26 stretched from the rear. Flames were visible on both floors of the home and the Delta 1 exposure became impinged on. Crews got the fire quickly knocked down, all searches proved negative and no reported injuries. Additional information provided by Denver Fire Deportment
Units on Scene: Chief 4, Chief 2, Tower 9, Engine 10, Engine 15, Truck 15, Engine 26, Truck 26 & Rescue 1