Wellington Station 16 Open House 2019
Station 16 Open House
Wellington Fire Protection District held their annual Fire Prevention Week open house on October 12th, 2019 at Station 16. Kids of all ages meet the firefighters, tour the station and apparatus plus learned about fire safety, and enjoyed a free lunch provided by Domino’s Pizza. UCHealth, Fort Collins 911, Fort Collins Police Department, Larimer County Dive Rescue, Larimer County Search & Rescue, Larimer County Sheriff Wildland Team and others also participated in the event. Wellington Fire Protection District have joined Poudre Fire Authority, and Fort Collins 911 with a inter-agency relationship in 2019 with communication and dispatch on one channel, joint training, and shared station naming system, with Station 1 now Station 16. WFPD & PFA will still operate independently and serve their communities.