Lakewood West 6th Ave Vehicle Fire
West Metro Vehicle Fire
On August 3rd, 2022 at 08:24 West Metro Fire Rescue responded to a vehicle fire on westbound W. 6th Ave. between Sheridan Blvd. and Wadsworth Blvd. Engine 1 arrived on scene to a working vehicle fire in the right shoulder and pulled 1 3/4 bumper line for fast attack and Engine 3 set-up for traffic safety. Engine 1 requested an additional engine for water supply. District 1 arrived and assumed command. The highway was shut down for a short time for westbound traffic for fire operations. Firefighters got the fire under control at 09:43 and no injuries were reported. The fire started in the engine compartment. Additional information provided by West Metro Fire Rescue
Units on Scene: District 1, Engine 1, Engine 3 & Bureau 7
Added: Engine 7