Loveland Foote Court Basement Fire
Loveland Basement Fire
At 05:54 on July 18th, 2022 Loveland Emergency Communications Center (LECC) dispatched Loveland Fire Rescue Authority to a residential structure fire in the 800 block Foote Court. Thompson Valley EMS and Loveland police officers arrived on scene and reported smoke coming from the house and that all of the occupants had made it out. Engine 41 arrived with smoke showing and pulled a line to the Alpha side for fire attack with a working basement fire in the offensive strategy. Engine 43 secured the water supply to Engine 41 and pulled a 2nd line in and Rescue 42 support ventilation with Tower 46. Battalion 41 arrived and assumed command and requested additional ambulances to the scene. Crews extinguished the fire in the basement area utilizing attack lines from both interior and exterior locations. The fire is under investigation. Two occupants of the home were transported to the hospital for evaluation. Additional information provided by Loveland Fire Rescue Authority
Units on Scene:
Loveland: Battalion 41, Engine 41, Engine 42, Rescue 42, Tower 46 & Engine 43
Berthoud Fire Protection District: Battalion 61
Thompson Valley EMS: Paramedic 341, Paramedic 321 & Paramedic 329
Loveland Police Department & Xcel