Denver Colorado Blvd 2nd Alarm Commercial Fire
Denver Warehouse Fire
On May 29th, 2023 around 16:11 Denver Fire Department received reports of an active fire at the Telluride Stone Company on the 5000 block of Colorado Blvd. Tower 9 and Engine 9 arrived on scene with heavy smoke showing from the warehouse. Rescue 2 made forced entry to the building while Engine 9 established two water supplies to the fire. Company 26 arrived setting up 5″ back up lines for Rescue 2 on the Delta side. Truck 26 began defensive attack from the south side while getting aerial view from the top of the structure. Chief 4 on scene and in command requested and upgrade for a 2nd alarm response. At this time, fire was through the roof of the large single-story warehouse. Rescue 2 reported exploding propane tanks from the location and crews were ordered to back out of the building and master stream aerial operations was used with defensive attack. Chief 2 arrived and assigned Charlie division, along with company 15 and Truck 8 where fire is also exposed through the walls with partial roof collapse. All companies are held for collapse zones and structure compromise. Additional companies and Blitz attack were requested with aerial attack from each division. Crews fought the fire for 1 hour and remained on scene to ensure hotspots and conduct fire watch. No injuries were reported, and the cause is under investigation. Additional information provided by Denver Fire Department
Working Response: Chief 4, OPS 2, Rescue 2, Engine 9, Tower 9, Engine 26, Truck 26, Truck 8, Tower 15, Engine 15, Engine 3, Engine 10, Engine 12 & Air/Light
Added: Chief 2, Chief 6, Tower 27, Truck 4, Engine 5, Engine 7, Arson 6, Arson 7, Arson 8 & PIO