Lakewood Highway 285 Single-Vehicle MVA Rollover
West Metro MVA Rollover
On July 6th, 2023 at 02:17 West Metro Fire Rescue responded a possible MVA rollover in the at S. Wadsworth Blvd. just west of Hwy. 285. Jeffcom advised that a single-vehicle rollover off the highway and one person may have been ejected. Engine 8 and Medic 8 arrived to a single-vehicle rollover with two parties that were ejected. The accident occurred when a high speed vehicle slammed into and travelled up and over a series of jersey barriers. The driver and a passenger were ejected and sustained injuries, but were talking to firefighters on scene. They both were taken to area hospitals. The Lakewood Police Department is handling the crash investigation. Additional information provided by West Metro Fire Rescue
Units on Scene: District 2, SAM 2, Engine 8, Tower 8 & Medic 8
Added: Rescue 10 (Reserve Tower) & Medic 7