Loveland 140 Years of Service
Loveland 140 Years of Service
On July 15th, the Loveland Fire Rescue Authority celebrated 140 years of service to the community. The City of Loveland was incorporated in 1881 and for two years fire protection was achieved through rapidly thrown together untrained bucket brigades. In 1883 Frank Bartholf organized and funded the Bartholf Hose Company as the first organized fire company in the City of Loveland. In 1887, Loveland Hook and Ladder was formed as a separate fire company serving Loveland. The two fire companies functioned almost totally separately and had an intense rivalry between them, although they did share the same hose house that was built in 1890. In 1894 an ordinance was passed establishing a Fire Department for the city which established rules for how the fire companies operated. In 1911 the Bartholf Hose Company and Loveland Hook and Ladder were consolidated to form the Loveland Fire Department. The agency is now known as the Loveland Fire Rescue Authority which was established by an intergovernmental agreement in 2012 that brought the Loveland Fire Rescue Department and Loveland Rural Fire Protection District together as one agency. Information and story provided by Loveland Fire Rescue Authority
Agencies that participated in the celebration:
Loveland Fire Exhibit, Loveland Museum, Loveland Police Department, Berthoud Fire Protection District, Caretakers of Tradition – Berthoud Hose Company #1, Windsor Severance Fire Rescue, Windsor Severance Fire Museum, National Fire Sprinkler Association & National Fire Protection Association