Loveland Commercial Structure Fire
Loveland Commercial Structure Fire
At 11:23 on December 25th, 2023 Loveland Fire Rescue Authority was dispatched to an unconfirmed commercial structure fire at SW 10th St. and Eagle Drive. The 911 caller reported smoke coming from the building and water running out of the doors. Engine 43 arrived on scene and reported a two-story commercial structure with smoke showing from the Alpha side, second floor. Battalion 41 requested the alarm be upgraded to a confirmed commercial fire. Engine 43’s crew entered the first-floor Alpha side with a hose-line and the engineer secured the water supply. Command was upgraded from Engine 43’s officer to Battalion 41. The crew of Engine 41 entered the 2nd floor with a hose line from an exterior staircase on the Bravo side and reported a fire in a laundry room with possible extension to the attic. Rescue 42 completed a primary search and Tower 46 went to the roof for a roof report and to stage fog nails for an attic fire attack if needed. Battalion 61 arrived on scene and completed an additional 360 for the IC and functioned as the incident safety officer. Berthoud Fire District, Poudre Fire Authority and Windsor-Severance Fire Rescue assisted with LFRA station coverage during the incident. Story and information provided by Loveland Fire Rescue Authority
Unconfirmed Structure Fire Response:
Loveland: Battalion 41, Engine 43, Engine 41 & Rescue 42
Confirmed Commercial Structure Fire Upgrade:
Loveland: Engine 42, Engine 45 & Tower 46
Berthoud Fire Protection District: Battalion 61
Thompson Valley EMS: Paramedic 371
Loveland: Chief 41 & Chief 44