Colorado River Station 41 Open House 2022
CRFR Community Open House
On September 24th, 2022 the Colorado River Fire Rescue held their annual open house at Station 41, the first since the pandemic shutdown. The event started with a variety of activities to keep attendees engaged and entertained. Firefighters engaged in a tug of war with kids in attendance, with the tug-of-war starting with a straight rope competition and moved into a 3:1 system and a 9:1 system which gave the opposing team a significant advantage, allowing the kids to beat the firefighters. The district fire marshal provided a residential fire sprinkler demo, comparing a non-sprinkler fire to a sprinkler fire. Around noon firefighters performed a quick attack on a simulated structure fire in their burn tower and rescued a teddy bear off the third-story window while suppressing the fire. Shortly after firefighters and community members engaged in the bucket brigade which was a challenge to see which team could fill a container the fastest via buckets with holes. To finish the open house, Careflight 3, which is based out of the Rifle-Garfield County Airport, landed and gave tours of the helicopter. Apparatus and station tours were given throughout the day in addition to information booths for fire safety and information provided by various partners. Garfield County Sheriff’s Office, Journey Home Animal Shelter, Colorado State Patrol, and Careflight of the Rockies. also participate in the event. For more information on upcoming events, check out the 5280Fire Calendar.