North Washington Fire Rescue
North Washington Fire Rescue (NWFR), covered 17 square miles in Adams, Jefferson & Denver Counties (Colorado) including the cities and areas of City View Heights, Coronado Hills, Dewey Lake, Elmwood Park, Gordon Lake, Merchandise Mart, Northfield, Northview, Rotello Park, Sherrelwood, Skeel Ranch, Valley Hi, Valley Vista, Welby & Western Hills. (FDID #00145)
North Washington Volunteer Fire Department, formed in 1946. In 1974 the department became paid and named changed to the North Washington Fire Department. In 1998, NWFD and Northglenn Ambulance partnered to provide NWFD’s first dedicated ambulance services, operating three Advanced Life Support (SLA) ambulances. Over the next two years, the service was transitioned. All of the ambulance personnel became firefighters/employees for NWFD, and Northglenn was phased out.
North Washington Fire Rescue merged with Southwest Adams County Fire Protection District (Colorado) to form the Adams County Fire Rescue (Colorado) in 2015.
North Washington Fire Protection District was a member of the Tri-County Volunteer Firemen’s Association.
Station 31 – Welby
Station 32 – Denver
Station 33 – Western Hills
Station 34 – North Washington
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