Fairmount Station 33
Station 33 – Wheat Ridge
Fire Station 33 is located at 12901 W. 43rd Dr. The station was not staffed and was used to house the reserve apparatus, some administrative staff and maintenance. Became Arvada Fire Protection District (Colorado) Station 62.
Station 33 Historical Photos
Station 33
Fire Station 33 shown here in 2009 at the current located at 12901 W. 43rd Dr. before moving into the station, former RV America Service Center.
1996 Pierce Quantum (E-9466) 1500 GPM pump, 500 gallon water tank with foam, also ran as Engine 1, Engine 5, Engine 33, Engine 35 and Engine 241.
(P3) 2007 Pierce Quantum 2000 GPM pump, 500 gallon water tank with foam, also ran as Engine 1, Engine 3, Engine 31, Engine 33 & Engine 35. Became Eckley Volunteer Fire Department (Colorado) Unit.
Shown here running as Engine 33 (P3).
Engine 3 (P-1) 2007 Pierce Quantum (19223) Type 3 2000 GPM pump, 500 gallon water tank with foam.
2016 Ford E-450 / AEV Traumahawk (17DF 20963). Operated by Stadium Medical.
(Brush 3) 1995 Dodge 2500 4×4 Type 6 120 GPM pump and 300 gallon water tank, also ran as Brush 32.
Fire Station 33 housed USA Disaster Relief Corps Squad 16 “Big Red”, 2004 International / Alexis Rescue Searchlight Satcom Vehicle-Mobile Communications Unit, deploys nation-wide for large incidents. Squad 16 runs this all support command vehicle for large ops as in S&R, Incident Command, Rope Rescue, Confined Space Rescue, Extrication Unit, Compressed Air & Communications, deploys nation-wide for large incidents. This unit is no longer based in Colorado.