Stonewall Fire Protection District

Stonewall Fire Protection District (SFPD), covering 547 square miles in Las Animas County (Colorado) including the areas of Abbot Creek, Adobe Ranch, Apache Canyon, Arrowhead Ranch, Bandarito Canyon, Bingham Canyon, Bonito Canyon, Canadian River, Ciruela Canyon, Cordova Plaza, Cow Canyon, Crooked Creek, Culebra Mountain, Deadman Canyon, Duling Creek, Fivemile Canyon, Frank Canyon, Gallegos Canyon, Howlett Creek, Johnson Creek, La Garita, Left Fork, Little Pine Canyon, Long Canyon, Lorencito, Lorencito Canyon, Madrid Canyon, Medina Plaza, Middle Fork, Parras Plaza, Pete Hills, Picketwire Lodge, Purgatoire River, Quatro Creek, Rita Canyon, Romain Canyon, Russell Lake, San Franciso Pass, Sangra De Cristo Mountain, San Juan, Segundo, Sierra Bianca Creek, South Fork, South Lake, South Valley, Sowbelly Canyon, Stonewall Valley, Tercio, Tijeras, Torres, Torres Canyon, Trinidad Lake, Ute Hills, Valdez, Vallejus Creek, Vega Mine, Velasquez Plaza, Vigil, Weston, Widow Woman Canon, Whiskey Creek, Wilkins Creek & Zamora. (FDID #07155)

Stonewall Fire Protection District was formed in 1949 as the Stonewall Valley Fire Department and then changed to the Stonewall Volunteer Fire Department. The fire protection district was established in 1999 and also known as Stonewall Fire-Rescue.

Stonewall Station
Wet Canyon Station
Cuchara Pass Station
La Garita Station
Long Canyon Station
Segundo Station
Command / Support


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