Lakewood Deck Fire
At 21:35 on April 5th, 2018 West Metro Fire Rescue responded to a confirmed structure fire at 1976 S. Urban St. in Lakewood. Engine 8 arrived on scene to a small single-story residential structure with a working fire on the Charlie side, pulled a 1 ¾ line in for fire attack and search. District 2 arrived and assumed command on the Alpha side with offensive attack. Engine 3 established the water supply to Engine 8, Tower 8 assigned to primary search, Rescue 10 as RIT & utilities, and Medic 4 assigned as medical group. Engine 8 reported that the fire was under control and was checking for extension to the attic, which was clear, and Tower 8 an all-clear with the primary search. The fire was caused by a grill on the back deck, which spread to the house, no reported injuries.
Unites on Scene: District 2, District 3, Engine 8, Tower 8, Engine 3, Rescue 10, Engine 9, Medic 4, Medic 10, Engine 4, SAM 2 & Bureau 7