Loveland Crossroads Blvd MVA Hazmat
Loveland MVA Hazmat
Around 10:00 on May 11th, 2012 Loveland Emergency Communication Center received notification from Weld County Regional Communications Center regarding an MVA with possible ejection at Crossroad Blvd. & County Line Rd. Further reports from Weld County was a possible DOA patient and that this was a semi versus pickup. Loveland Fire Rescue Authority was dispatched to the call and Windsor Severance Fire Protection District Command 4260 arrived on scene and established County Line Rd. command. Thompson Valley EMS Paramedic 351 and Weld County Ambulance were already attending to the drivers of both vehicles. Command confirmed that no extrication was needed, and that we had a significant diesel spill to address. Battalion 1 dropped off Engine 5 from the assignment, but continued Squad 2, Heavy Rescue 2, and Truck 6. Both drivers were quickly transported to a local hospital. One saddle tank from the semi had significant damage to it and was still leaking. The saddle tanks were reported to be full and have a 120 gallon capacity each. The Loveland crews end up shutting off the saddle tank crossover valve which slowed down the leak and the remaining fuel that had not already spilled out was pumped off and into the stable tank on the opposite side. Battalion 1 notified Larimer County Health to respond because of the size of the spill and the needed remediation. The Incident commander did the same for Weld County Health and also requested a loader and dirt to assist with absorbing the fuel on the road way. Additional information was provided by Loveland Fire Rescue Authority
Units on Scene:
Loveland Fire Rescue Authority: Battalion 1, Engine 5 (Cancelled), Squad 2, Rescue 2 & Truck 6
Winsdor: Command 4260 & Engine 4203
Thompson Valley EMS: Paramedic 351 & Paramedic 329
Windsor Police Department & Weld County Paramedic Services