Adams County Station 11 Groundbreaking
ACFR New Station 11 Groundbreaking
On June 7th, 2018 Adams County Fire Rescue with fire personnel, board of directors, contractors, architects, and other dignitaries present, broke ground on a new fire station at the corner of Pecos St. and 69th Ave. This new building will replace Station 11, currently at 7980 Elmwood Lane. The new station will be home to five apparatus and a minimum of 11 firefighters. It will have a community center and a historical museum. The museum with have the old antique fire truck on displayed and the history of the North Washington Fire Rescue District and Southwest Adams County Fire Protection District. Construction on the new station will commence at the end of June and is slated to be completed in 2019.
Fire Chief Pat Laurienti and Board of Directors President Jerry Marchese speak prior to breaking ground.
Board of Directors Assistant Secretary Joseph Domenico and Deputy Chief Stuart Sunderland sign the chrome shovel.
Deputy Chief Stuart Sunderland, Fire Chief Pat Laurienti and Captain Thom Jeffries display the chrome shovel that will commemorate the groundbreaking of the new Fire Station 11.