Mount Antero Roll Over
Mount Antero Roll Over
At 09:00 on June 16th, 2018 Colorado 4×4 Rescue and Recovery was contacted by a vehicle owner regarding his rolled over Jeep on Mount Antero in Chaffee County on June 13th, 2018. A 23 person team in 20 vehicles was hand picked in 2 hours including members of CO4x4RnR’s Search and Rescue – Emergency Support team. The roll over occurred at 13,450 feet and teamwork would be needed working in shifts to avoid altitude sickness. Additional personnel were on scene to manage base camp and communications relay due to lack of access to Ham repeaters on scene. Weather updates were being provided by Chaffee County Search and Rescue North personnel. 2 SAR-ES team members scouted the recovery scene to set up an initial recovery plan and find base camp location to save time on the day of operation. 11 of the 23 members overnighted in the region to help acclimate to the altitude. Chaffee County Sheriff was notified of the operation, location, team members and contact methods available. The entire team met at 0900 and proceeded to base camp at 10,000 feet. Team 1 continued directly to recovery scene and communications was established on scene. One member of Chaffee County SnR North was on scene to observe. Flight for Life was also training in the area. Team 1 executed the recovery in deteriorating conditions as storms rolled through. One team member tracked reports of any lightning, none were reported. Team 2 arrived on scene in relief of team 1 after three hours at altitude. Team 2 executed a vehicle inspection and repair for safe transport down the mountain. Entire team descended with the vehicle to county road where the vehicle could be transported. Sheriff office was notified scene and team were clear at 17:00 hours.
20 units on scene.
23 recovery members on scene.
1 Chaffee County SnR North member on scene.
3 Dispatchers covered shifts monitoring.
70 hours from initial contact to all clear.
184 recovery member hours on scene
10 dispatcher hours