Grand Junction Engine 5 Dedication
Engine 5 Dedication
The Grand Junction Fire Department dedicated the city’s new Engine 5 (#2042) on March 26th, 2021. “2042” is a 2021 Pierce Enforcer with a 500 gallon water tank and 1250 gpm pump, Job Number 35179. The event began at 10:00 am with several speakers including Fire Chief Ken Watkins, Deputy Fire Chief Chris Angermuller, Mayor Duke Wortmann, and Councilmember Phyllis Norris. GJFD’s Chaplain Bain and Hedrick both spoke and blessed the engine with a prayer. This engine replaces a 5 year-old Smeal Freedom pumper which will now go into a reserve pool of spare apparatus. Engine 5 is the city’s third clean cab concept engine where gear and SCBA packs are stored in compartments rather than the cab as part of the city’s initiative toward cancer prevention. The engine was traditionally placed into service with a wet-down ceremony, a four step process. The first step is the wet-down. The crew traditionally uses the tank water from the retiring apparatus to wet-down the new apparatus. The second step is to dry the apparatus. Members in attendance were given the opportunity to wipe down the new Pierce engine and ready it for service. The third step is to push the apparatus back into the bay. The engine is placed in reverse and the crew, along with members in attendance, push the engine back into quarters. The fourth, and final step is to signal dispatch that the engine is ready to respond. Captain 5 hailed dispatch to signify that Engine “2042” was in-service as Engine Co. 5 and Engine “1504” was out of service. Station 5’s front-line Smeal pumper (3124) was out of service at the time of dedication and a reserve was in-service acting as Engine 5. The new engine is expected to serve 10 years on the front-line and an additional 5-10 years in reserve.