Lakewood RV Into Building
Motor Home Into Winchell’s
At 07:00 on August 15th, 2022 West Metro Fire Rescue responded to the Winchell’s Donut House, 6801 W. Colfax Ave. on a vehicle into the building. Jeffco advised that a patient may be under the vehicle that ran into the building inside and possible structure damage. District 1 upgraded the call to an extrication and collapse response. Engine 1 arrived on scene to a large motor home into the the Winchell’s and Lakewood Police in the process of evacuations inside the building. District 1 arrived, assumed Colfax command and Engine 1 advised of two patients and District 1 requested a 2nd medic to the scene. Both injured people were transported, the driver of the RV, who was the only person on board and a second person sitting at a table inside that was directly hit by the RV. That person was thrown across the room, but was conscious and talking to firefighters. Crews rescued a dog that was inside the RV, but not injured. There was heavy damage and the technical rescue team worked to shore up the structure before the RV was removed by Ace Towing. Lakewood Police Department is investigating the accident. Additional information provided by West Metro Fire Rescue
Initial Response: District 1, Engine 1 & Medic 1
Extraction Response: SAM 1 & Tower 2
Collapse Response: Rescue 10, Medic 10 & Collapse Rescue 10
Added: Medic 11
Special Call: Special Ops 1
Lakewood Police Department & City of Lakewood Building Department