Evergreen Fire Rescue

Evergreen Fire Protection District (EFPD), covering 126 square miles in Jefferson & Clear Creek Counties (Colorado) including the areas of Alderfer-Three Sisters Open Space Park, Alpine Hills, Alta Vista, Arapaho National Forest, Bear Creek, Bear Creek Basin, Bear Mountain Vista, Beaver Brook, Bergen Park, Bergen Peak State Wildlife Area, Black Mountain, Blue Creek, Blue Spruce, Brook Forest, Brookvale, Buffalo Park, Camel Heights, Circle K Ranch, Corwina, Cub Creek, Cub Creek Park, Danks Drive, Dedisse Park, Eagle Nest Trail, Echo Hills, Elk Meadow Open Space Park, El Pinal Acres, El Rancho, Elephant Park, Elm Green, Evergreen Hills, Evergreen Lake, Evergreen Lakehouse, Evergreen Meadows, Evergreen Mountain, Evergreen North, Evergreen Park Estates, Far View Acres, Floyd Hill, Forest Estates, Forest Hill, Fox Ridge, Glen Eyrie, Greenwood, Hangen Ranch, Happy Hill, Herzman Mesa, Hidden Valley, High Drive, Hill Top, Hiwan Estates, Hiwan Hills, Hiwan Village, Kerr Gulch, Kittredge, Little Cub Creek, Loggers Trail, Long Peak, Marshdale, Maxwell Creek, Maxwell Falls, Mount Blue Sky, Mountain Meadow Heights, Myers Gulch, North Evergreen, North Turkey Creek, O’Fallon Park, Parmalee, Peaceful Hills, Ranch View, Rosedale, Rossman Gulch, Sawmill, Shadow Mountain, Silver Spruce, Skyline, Soda Creek, Sprucedale, Stage Coach, Squaw Pass, Summit Trail, Sunset Heights, Swede Gulch, Tanoa, Troublesome Gulch, Troutdale, Upper Bear Creek, Valley-Hi Ranch, Wah Keeney, Waiikeeney, Wild Iris Meadow Loop Trail, Wilmot Creek, Witter Gulch & Yankee Creek. (FDID #05933)

Evergreen Fire Protection District originally started out in 1926 as the Mountain Parks Protective Association Bucket Brigade with a group of volunteers, which provided fire protection services and supported law enforcement operations. Evergreen Volunteer Fire Department was formed in 1948. In 1950 the fire protection district was formed. The Evergreen Ambulance Service was formed in 1952 until 1986 when they merged with the fire district. In 2009 the protection district was created. 

Evergreen Fire Protection District has an auto-aid agreement with Clear Creek Fire AuthorityElk Creek Fire Protection District, Foothills Fire Protection District, Highland Rescue TeamIndian Hills Fire Protection District & Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District.

Station 2 and Station 4 are both staffed by EMS Providers 24/7 with two ambulances at each station. Fire response is handled by the Evergreen Fire Volunteers.

Evergreen Fire Protection District is also known as Evergreen Fire/Rescue (EFR).

Evergreen Fire Protection District (100) is dispatched by Jeffcom 911.

Station 1 – Downtown
Station 2 – Bergen Park
Station 3 – Marshdale
Station 4 – Cub Creek
Station 5 – Brookvale
Station 6 – Kittredge
Station 7 – Floyd Hill
Station 8 – Brook Forest
Command / Support
Patches / Logos
Official Site