Grants Pass Fire Rescue
Grants Pass Fire Rescue (GPFR), located in Josephine County (Oregon) including the areas of Dollar Mountain, Gilbert Creek, Grants Pass, Hieglen Loop, Hillcrest, Lawnridge Park, Loveless Park, North Hill, Oregon Caves, Redwood, Redwood Empire, Riverside Park, Rogue River, Tokay Canal & Westholm Park.
Grants Pass Fire Rescue started out in the 1881 as a volunteer department. In 1984 the combined police and fire services into a single public safety department which became the Grants Pass Fire Rescue Bureau (Department of Public Safety). Police officers were trained in basic firefighting duties including locating and sizing up fires, making fire hydrant connections, and other basic fire ground duties. Along with this, firefighters were trained basic police procedures regarding crime scene preservation, photography, traffic control and local area searches.
The City of Grants Pass ended the Public Safety model in 2021, choosing to separate Fire and Police services to became Grants Pass Fire Rescue (GPFR). Public Safety Stations are still shared by Firefighters and Police Officers.
Grants Pass Fire Rescue has mutual-aid or auto-aid with emergency service agencies in both Josephine and Jackson County, by participating in the Two County Mutual / Automatic Aid Agreement through the Rogue Valley Fire Chiefs Association. GPFR also employs a “closest engine response” (mutual/automatic aid) system with the Applegate Rural Fire Protection District, Evans Valley Rural Fire Protection District, Illinois Valley Rural Fire Protection District, Rogue River Fire Department, Rural Metro Fire Department, Williams Rural Fire Protection District, Wolf Creek Rural Fire Protection District and Oregon Department of Forestry.
Hillcrest Station
Parkway Station
Redwood Station
Command / Support
Official Site
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