Castle Rock Fell Mist Way Garage Fire
Castle Rock Garage Fire
At 07:29 on August 26th, 2024 Castle Rock Fire & Rescue Department was dispatched to a residential structure fire at 4525 Fell Mist Way. The 911 caller reported to Douglas Regional 911 Communications Center that heavy smoke was in the garage with evacuation in progress. First arriving Engine 154 positioned on the Alpha side and reported a small two-story single-family dwelling with a working fire in the garage on the Charlie side. Engine 154 and Medic 154 advanced a 1 3/4 attack line down the Delta side to the attached alley garage. After completing at 360° Engine 154 confirmed there was small fire on the garage wall and initially used a water extinguisher to control it. Engine 154’s engineer established a water supply and Engine 151 staged at a secondary water supply at the alley access from Sweet Wind Ave. Battalion 151 assumed command in the alley on the Bravo/Charlie corner and assigned Engine 151 to primary search. Safety 151 was assigned to incident safety, completed a second 360° and secured electric and gas utilities. Medic 151 was assigned to incident medical standby. Quint 155 positioned on the Alpha side, laddered the home, ascended to the roof and provided command with a conditions report. Engine 151 completed the primary search and confirmed the home was one-story with a tall, vaulted ceiling. Despite laminar smoke visible from the eaves and roof vents, there was no fire extension to the attic or interior of the home. Engine 152 performed a secondary search and horizontal ventilation was completed. Command placed the incident under control at 08:10. The residents safely evacuated before Castle Rock fire units arrived and no injuries occurred. Initial reports indicated that a charging battery may have ignited the fire, and Chief 153 is conducting a full cause and origin investigation.
Units on Scene: Battalion Chief 151, Chief 151, Chief 153, Safety 151, Engine 154, Medic 154, Quint 155, Engine 151, Medic 151 & Engine 152