Evergreen Kerr Gulch Tanker Rollover
Evergreen Tanker Rollover
On July 6th, 2023 at 19:57 Jeffcom dispatched Evergreen Fire Protection District to a rollover accident at Kerr Gulch Rd. and High Rd. with a tanker truck and possible fuel spill. Dispatch advised that patient is out of the truck and fuel is linking into the embankment. Utility 191 enroute requested West Metro Fire Rescue hazardous materials team to respond. 108 arrived to a single tanker that rolled down an embankment and one patient out of the truck with a small fuel leak. Engine 136 arrived and pulled a 2 1/2 line. Crews reported that the tankers main tank was 8,300 gallons of gasoline which would need to be pumped to another tanker. West Metro Firefighters arrived and performed several steps with Evergreen Firefighters to ensure a safe and error free incident stabilization. The tanker truck had to be electrically grounded so a spark wouldn’t cause ignition of gasoline vapors, then stabilized to prevent additional movement or rolling and then the five internal saddle tanks of fuel had to be off-loaded into an additional tanker that was brought to the scene. Fuel levels in each tank were determined by use of Thermal Imaging Cameras, and then each internal tank was drilled into to be accessible for the offloading. Arvada Fire Protection District was requested to relieved the West Metro firefighters that had been on scene since about 20:45. Hazmat 54 arrived and assisted until they were released by command at about 07:30 on July 7th, 2023. The crash closed the road for over 14 hours and the driver was transported to a hospital with minor injuries by Medic 114. Colorado State Patrol is investigating the crash. Additional information provided by Evergreen Fire Protection District, West Metro Fire Rescue & Arvada Fire Protection District
Units on Scene:
Evergreen: 103, 105, 108, Utility 191, EMS 3, Engine 136, Rescue 141, Medic 114, Rescue 142, Tender 162 & Medic 124
West Metro: District 1, SAM 2, Engine 2, Tower 2, Hazmat 1, Engine 5, Medic 5 & Hazmat 5
Arvada Fire Protection District: Hazmat 54
Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office, Colorado State Patrol, Colorado State Patrol Hazardous Materials Team, Jefferson County Public Works, Denver Water & Allied Towing