Lakewood School Haz-Mat
Hazardous Materials Incident
At 12:25 on April 7th, 2014 West Metro Fire Rescue was alerted to the Jeffco Open Space School at 7655 W. 10th Ave. in Lakewood, on a report of a student having an unknown type of reaction. Engine 1 arrived with Medic 1 and were met with multiple patients with skin irritations, and a full Hazardous Materials Response was requested with additional ambulances to the scene. Initially 9 patients with the same symptoms were identified with the number continuing to grow. District 1 arrived and assumed command and assigned a Haz-Mat Group and a Medical Group. Medical was given their own TAC channel which was changed to an interoperability after 10 ambulances were requested. A Decon area was set-up and all patients were decontaminated before being transported to area hospitals. Crews checked the exterior perimeter and the interior of the school with monitors. Some positive readings were observed but only for a short time and too low to identify a product. All occupants sheltered in place until Haz-Mat deemed the interior corridors to be safe. Crews set-up a conducted systematic evacuation to a relocation center at a nearby church. A total of 35 patients were transported to local hospitals, many of the ambulances dropped off the patients at the ER and returned to the scene again. The West Metro Hazardous Materials Team was unable to determine the cause of the irritant and the incident is under investigation, and crews cleared from the scene after 16:00. Additional information was provided by West Metro Fire Rescue
Units on Scene:
West Metro:
Initial Response: Engine 1 & Medic 1
Haz-Mat Assignment: District 1, District 2, SAM 1, Haz-Mat 1, Haz-Mat 5, Engine 5, Medic 2, Medic 6 & Tower 3
Special Call: Chief 2, Engine 2, Engine 6, Engine 7, Engine 3, Medic 9, Medic 12 & PIO
Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District: Engine 73
Adams and Jefferson County Hazardous Response Authority, Pridemark Paramedics, Rural Metro, American Medical Response, Stadium Medical, Denver Paramedics, Lakewood Police Department, Jeffco R-1 Security & Jefferson County Sheriff