Mesa County Mile Marker 46 Fire
Mile Marker 46 Fire
At approximately 17:13 on May 25th, 2018 Palisade Fire Protection District was dispatched to a Motor Vehicle Fire at I-70 MM 46. Dispatch notes indicated a Black and Red work truck pulled over in the westbound lanes on the right shoulder with a working fire in the bed of the truck. Additional reports indicated the vehicle had exploded and additional explosions were occurring every 2 minutes and a vegetation fire had started. 5316 was first on scene and reported a fully engulfed truck with a working vegetation fire. Crews were moved to TAC 2 for the incident and additional resources were mutual aided from DeBeque Fire Protection District. Crews were unable to stop the fire which led to a 170 acre wildlfire. The fire’s last size was 170 acres and was contained by Day 4. EOM, PalFire, BLM, and MCFire worked the fire on Day 2, 3, and 4.
Initial Dispatch: 5316, 5313, Engine 41, Ambulance 41, Engine 82, Tender 81
Working Wildfire Dispatch:
Clifton Fire Protection District: Engine 21 & Brush 21
Lower Valley Fire Department: Chief 31, Tender 31 & Engine 31
Palisade Fire Protection District: Chief 41, Chief 42, Brush 41 & Tender 41
Central Orchard Mesa Fire Department: Brush 51
East Orchard Mesa Fire Protection District: Chief 62, Engine 61, Brush 61 & Tender 61
Plateau Valley Fire Protection District: Tender 91, Brush 94 & Brush 94
Mesa County Sheriff Wildland Fire Team: Chief 2220, Engine 102, Engine 103 & Engine 126
Lands End Fire Protection District: Engine 111 & Tender 111
BLM GJ: Engine 2412, Engine 2613, 2613 Chase, 2411 Chase & DV-21
BLM Rifle: Engine 2421, Engine 2622, WR-WFM A & WR-WFM B
Grand Valley Fire Protection District: Brush 33
Assist: Colorado State Patrol, BLM, CPW, CDOT, Mesa County Sheriff & Palisade Police Department